Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Death of the Oceans

The BC Royal Museum had an exhibit that noted the population of cod off the BC coast is now about 3% of what it was 100 years ago. To put that in perspective, imagine a 97% pay cut, or imagine getting 3% on an exam. It is a shocking drop in population. The population of large ocean fish, such as tuna, is estimated to have fallen 90% in the last 50 years. Fish catch in the UK is now 7% of what it was in 1920. As you look around the oceans, seas and rivers you see the same story over and over again: collapse.

Want to know the real reason to buy organic? Fertilizers from non-organic farming ends up in rivers turning estuaries into dead zones, over 300 of them world wide and some more than 100 miles across. It even happened in Esquimalt Lagoon, our friendly neighbourhood fish were dying because of a lack of oxygen in the water caused indirectly and in part by lawn fertilizer runoff. The ocean is absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and becoming more acidic. This is expected to cause serious problems for all shellfish such as crab, shrimp, lobster and coral reefs.

What should we do? Large parts of the oceans need to become protected as fish sanctuaries. We need to stop using farm fertilizers that pollute the ocean. The fishing fleets out there are much too large and need to be cut, one million fishing boats is way too many. We need to stop fishing for animal feed purposes. Bottom trawling, a practice still employed thanks to a Canadian veto against banning it, should be banned. Only fish mature enough to have had the chance to breed should be allowed to be caught: some species are legally caught before they even reach breeding age. Fishing must be done sustainability or we risk losing it all. The Grand Banks off Newfoundland were closed over 15 years ago and remain so because there has been no recovery.

Can saving the oceans and the fish actually be achieved? No it cannot, not without your involvement. I joined and support Greenpeace. What you do is up to you, but do something.

The Guardian: Tuna Industry Slaughters Marine Life

BBC: Worlds ocean’s in shocking decline

The Economist: So long, and thanks for all the fish

Pacific Ocean Contains an Estimated 100 Million Tons of Garbage

New Scientist: Meadows of the sea in 'shocking' decline Overfishing continues at a shocking rate, as countries break one environmental promise after another

Daily Telegraph: Full horror of Japanese whaling exposed
BBC: Whale-watching more lucrative than whale hunting

The Times: New research has shown that repeated trawling has turned much of the sea bed around the UK into a barren wasteland

Science Daily: Caribbean Coral Reefs Flattened

Discovery: Giant jellyfish are taking over parts of the world's oceans due to overfishing

National Geographic: Seafood May Be Gone by 2048, Study Says

Tree Hugger: 85% of World's Oyster Reefs Already Gone, Many Functionally Extinct

The Guardian: Documents prove Trafigura ship dumped toxic waste in Ivory Coast; more than 30,000 people were affected by the poisonous cocktail

Science Blogs: US Army secretly dumped 64 million pounds of nerve and mustard agents into the sea, along with 400,000 chemical-filled bombs, land mines and rockets and more than 500 tons of radioactive waste
The Guardian: Eels in Crisis After 95% Decline in Last 25 Years

The Guardian: Imagine a world without seafood for supper. It's nearer than you think

The Guardian: Scientists call for 20-year fishing ban in a third of the world's oceans

The Telegraph: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is twice the size of France

Tree Hugger: Image of the sea floor in the Western Baltic covered with dead or dying crabs, fish and clams killed by oxygen depletion - Climate Change Causing Ocean Dead Zones to Grow

Scientific American: Overfishing to wipe out bluefin tuna

Weather Channel: Fish populations shrinking globally due to climate change, threatening millions of jobs and the food source of many millions

Daily Mail: Hundreds of thousands of fish killed in Darling River 

WWF: Nearly half of the world's recorded fish catch is unused, wasted or not accounted for

Blue Living: By 2050, our planet’s oceans could be too acidic for corals to reproduce or rebuild, and the $16 trillion ocean-based economy is in danger of being wiped out if things continue as they are

Times Herald: U.S. factory farms generated 1.4 billion tons of animal waste polluting waterways more than all other industrial sources

The Guardian: How the world's oceans are running out of fish

Bottom Trawling is so destructive it can be seen from space

World's Oceans Dying

Sea snail shells dissolve in increasingly acidified oceans 

BBC: Nuclear Waste Being Dumped in the Ocean

Ocean Acidification: What's Happening To Our Oceans And Why

NASA: Phytoplankton, The Basis Of The Ocean's Food Chain In Serious Decline

The Guardian: Fish Disappearing From World's Oceans

The March Of The Penguins, Toward Extinction

Discover: World's Largest Dump: The Ocean

Half of BC Chinook Salmon Now Endangered

Thousands of ships fitted with cheat-devices to divert poisonous pollution into the sea

The Gulf Of Mexico 8000 Square Mile Dead Zone

Pacific Salmon Population Collapsing

Discover: North American Fish Under Threat
CNN: 100 Million Sharks Killed Every Year

The True Cost of Shrimp
New York Times: Collapse Of Salmon Stocks Endangers Pacific Fishery

Washington Post: Wild Salmon Endangered

The Independent: Britian's most valuable fish stock on the verge of collapse 

Der Spiegel: Globalization Is Destroying The World's Oceans

New Scientist: Drift Nets Could Spell Extinction for Endangered Species

Reuters: Coastal Dead Zones Spreading

The Guardian: Last Chance for the Oceans?

Earth First: UK Fishermen Dump Catch To Avoid Quotas

Anchovy and Sardine Populations Decimated to Feed Pigs

Good and Bad Choices when Buying Fish

Rate of Decline of Fresh Water Fish Is "Staggering"

Great Whites Vanish 

The Last Days Of Fish

Discovery: Human Acoustic 'Smog' Killing Whales

National Geographic: Over Fishing Puts Birds At Risk

Reuters: One-third of World Fish Catch Used for Animal Feed

Fertilizers an Increasing Threat to Sea Life

Nature: Marine Dead Zones set to Expand Rapidly

Yahoo News: Australia to Japan: You Don't Need to Kill 1000+ Whales to "Study" Them

WWF: Europe Sits on Damning Bluefin Tuna Report

New Scientist: Last Great US Fishery in Danger of Collapse

Smithsonian: Our Imperiled Oceans

And Finally, Some Good News

Planet Save: Brazil Establishes Whale Sanctuary
The Guardian: Australia Plans World’s Largest Marine ParkMontery Bay Aquarium: How to buy fish